all postcodes in L26 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L26 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L26 6BA 67 0 53.370141 -2.822353
L26 6BB 19 0 53.368923 -2.821624
L26 6BD 6 0 53.369782 -2.822256
L26 6BE 26 0 53.369381 -2.824338
L26 6LA 13 1 53.369491 -2.827962
L26 6LB 17 3 53.36863 -2.824969
L26 6LD 21 0 53.369475 -2.826383
L26 6LE 6 1 53.368056 -2.822178
L26 6LJ 6 0 53.369884 -2.827023
L26 6LN 55 0 53.371904 -2.826055
L26 6LP 21 0 53.370674 -2.828451
L26 6LR 12 0 53.371043 -2.827045
L26 6LS 11 0 53.37201 -2.827635
L26 6LT 15 0 53.370156 -2.826592
L26 6LU 20 0 53.370629 -2.82582
L26 6LW 23 0 53.370936 -2.829523
L26 6LX 21 0 53.372387 -2.82635
L26 6LY 8 0 53.371804 -2.824896
L26 6NA 17 0 53.372846 -2.825036
L26 6NB 9 0 53.372257 -2.82304